Meet the cast of characters from my column:
Brett: Witty with the one-liners, cynical at times, artistic and creative, and highly efficient and organized. Brett plays the part of supportive husband and father, except when I’ve spent too much money, and then he’s not very happy with me, neither in print nor in our kitchen.
Andrew: Our almost 10-year-old son, with long hair and dimples. He loves filmmaking and hates thunderstorms.
Zoe: 6-year-old foil to her older brother, Zoe likes to state things as she sees them. She is often low on patience and high on gummy bears.
Mom: This would be my mother, Ronnee, who appears in my articles as a beacon of hope (whether taking care of newborn Andrew or helping us when our basement flooded) as well as spoiler of grandchildren and general entertainer (search the term “tap dancing” on my blog and see what comes up). She is married to my step-father, Howard, who appears occasionally in articles about family gatherings, such as trips to Nantucket and the American Girl store.
Dad: Not mentioned as frequently as my mother, much to his disappointment. My dad is an eye doctor who shares my emailed articles and printed hard copies with the entire staff of Montefiore Medical Center as well as with all of his patients, hopefully before dilating their pupils but after taking out their cataracts.
Friends: I’ve changed their names, but they know who they are.
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