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To Netflix, With Love


Dear Netflix,

What can I say? These last few years together have been amazing. Really. Ever since you showed up that first time at my house, I knew. To quote one of our all-time favorites, When Harry Met Sally, "I knew the way you know about a good melon."

I mean, the doorbell rang, and there you were, dressed to impress, immediately standing out from the crowd.

You had me at "hello."

And then you stuck around! I'd send you away, but you'd always come back with something new and thrilling to share. Steadily, our relationship grew and blossomed and expanded. Over the years, we've gone places I never imagined: that hotel room in St Louis, the cute restaurant in the West Village, even a lounge chair on the beach in Boca. And we'll always have Paris.

Usually when I'm with you, I just want to relax, but at other times, I feel the need -- the need for speed! The entire sagas of Breaking BadFriday Night LightsHouse of CardsGossip Girl and Orange is the New Black -- whether you send me a thoughtful gift through the mail or just provide instant gratification on my iPad, you are literally always there for me.

Sometimes, you're the only one who gets me, you know?

You're so money and you don't even know it.

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