Jan 24, 2015The Scarsdale InquirerDear ScarsdaleThis article first appeared in The Scarsdale Inquirer on January 24th, 2015. (It is a very Scarsdale-specific piece, but I think you...
May 16, 2014The Scarsdale InquirerHow Well Do We Say Farewell?I’ve been having a hard time dealing with this, so, like everything else I have a hard time dealing with, I’m just going to talk about it...
Nov 19, 2013The Scarsdale InquirerNurse!My eight-year-old daughter, Zoe, visits the school nurse at least once a day. Sometimes more. Does she go because she is legitimately...
Nov 15, 2013The Scarsdale InquirerTourist TrapIn early July, my 8-year-old daughter, Zoe, decided at the last minute to attend a three-day “Dream Week” at her older brother’s camp. Do...
Jul 12, 2013The Scarsdale InquirerSay Cheese!“Have you seen any pictures yet of Andrew from camp? How many?” My friend Jen asked. She and I were dining al fresco in Scarsdale...